Theatrical Partnerships

Over the past 7 years RED Entertainment have worked in association with a number of venues around the country to produce new and innovative commercial productions that go on to capture audiences around the UK and beyond.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our current venue partners and to invite any theatres in the UK who would like to produce work alongside a touring producer to get in touch.

“Red Entertainment don’t serve up tribute bands, they create theatrical productions specifically for theatre and of a quality that venues can trust.”
Simon Scott-Pearce
Towngate, Basildon
"Our sales exploded after one of your launch events. You guys really know what you're doing"
David Corbishley
Lighthouse, Kettering
"I am very impressed with RED's organisation of show material. It makes life so much easier for the venue. I wish everyone did it!"
David Guilding
Royal Spa Centre, Leamington Spa


Please contact Red Shed Entertainment now for information on availability and pricing

0207 127 9125

Copyright @ Red Ents LTD. All rights reserved